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Restrictive Covenants

One of the benefits of a new neighbourhood is the presence of a document on the title of each lot that protects your investment. This document is called a Restrictive Covenant (“RC” for short).

An RC is a legal document that is placed on the title of each lot by Dream when the lot is created and before ownership is transferred to the first purchaser. Since it is on the title, the document remains on the land, even as the ownership passes from one person to another. The purpose of this RC is to set out what is not permitted on a lot.

In a high-quality development, owners can expect that a high standard will be maintained long after the area has been completed. With the RC, you have the ability to enforce that standard when another owner violates any of the provisions. The RC is for the benefit of all owners in the entire community, and through this, property values should be maintained.

Although the contents of the RC can vary from phase to phase and throughout different communities, they generally protect owners from improper development in that same phase. As an example, construction of a new building or a change in the appearance of an existing home (including colours), cannot be made without the written approval of Dream. Other restrictions relate to the condition of the house, yard and fences.

With the excitement and large number of documents associated with a home purchase, many owners have never reviewed (or possibly were not aware of) the RC. We suggest that you take a moment to read yours, firstly to ensure you are not violating them unknowingly, and secondly, so that you know you are able to protect your property value from being affected by the actions of others.

Can I park my RV on my lot?

In some Dream communities Recreational Vehicles are not permitted to be parked on your lot or in your driveway for long periods. Please refer to the Restrictive Covenant for your Community and Phase for specifics.

Do I need approval from Dream to build a deck, shed or play structure?

Most Dream communities require approval of your plans before building a deck, shed or a play structure. Please contact our architectural approval department at for permission and more information or submit via the Approvals form.

What is a Storm Pond?

Some of Dream’s communities have storm ponds to collect and hold rainfall and snowmelt before it reaches our rivers, creeks, and streams.

This runoff collects sediment as it travels across properties, streets, and roads. By capturing and holding stormwater for a period of time, storm ponds allow sediments to settle, the water is then slowly released to our rivers, creeks, and streams.

What are the benefits of Storm Ponds?

Storing stormwater can help to protect homes and businesses from possible localized flooding after a storm. This happens by slowing down the flow of stormwater during short but intense rainfalls to reduce the erosion of river and creek banks.

Allowing time for sediment to settle to the bottom of the pond helps protects the health of our rivers, creeks and streams.

What are the different types of Storm Ponds?

Dry Pond

A dry pond is dry most of the time and may have playing fields in it. During heavy rain, dry ponds will fill with water very quickly. This prevents the stormwater system from becoming overwhelmed and helps to prevent water from backing up into basements or flooding into houses, or businesses.

Wet Pond

Wet ponds hold water all of the time. These ponds are designed to capture and hold stormwater– for a while. Wet ponds slow down the water, which helps settle out some of the sediments and allows cleaner water to our rivers, creeks, and streams.

Can I use the Storm Pond for recreational purposes, such as skating or swimming?

Storm ponds have an important job to do. They protect the community from flooding and clean storm water. Because of rapidly changing water levels and poor water quality, a storm pond is NOT to be used for recreational purposes like wading or skating.

There is water on my street – is it flooding?

In streets with trapped lows instead of traditional storm drains, it may appear that the street is flooding. It is not – this is by design. Trapped lows are designed to hold the water on the street and properties are graded to keep the water away from foundations.

If water has accumulated on the road near your house, on your driveway or front lawn, you may be located near a trapped low. This water should drain away within 24 hours after the rain has stopped.

Trapped lows are used in conjunction with Storm Ponds to slow the flow of water into stormwater facilities.

What is a swale?

Swales are concrete or grass channels used to catch and direct surface runoff. If you have a swale on your property, it is your responsibility to ensure it remains clear and free of debris to allow water to drain freely.

If I alter the grading on my property will it cause any problems?

The grading on your lot has been set to work with the overall grading plan for the community as well as to work with the grading of your neighbours property. If you alter the grading on your lot it can cause potential problems to your own home as well as to your neighbours homes. If you have any questions in regard to grading please contact Dream Development.

What do my HOA fees cover?

All properties within Alpine Park pay a modest annual Homeowner’s Association due that supports the enhanced public amenities offered within the community and helps ensure higher-than-City-standard maintenance levels.

HOA dues cover

  • Operation and maintenance of private parks, including associated power, water, natural gas utilities and community garden repair
  • Stormwater pond fountain power
  • Grass cutting of green boulevards (where there is a separate walk set back from the roadway)
  • Snow clearing of regional path system, public and private park walkways, and cut-through paths (connecting parallel streets between homes) but excluding public sidewalks (non-regional walkways in front of homes)
  • Servicing of garbage receptacles for parks and ponds

Alpine Park Homeowners Association and Green Court Bare Land Condo Fees are collected by TownSQ.

What do my Condo fees cover?

All court homes in Alpine Park belong to the respective bare land condominium corporation of that parcel. Unlike apartment condominiums, the only common property is the laneway providing access to each home’s garage. Otherwise, the condo fee covers services you get above and beyond - such as winter snow removal from lanes - or services you’d have paid elsewhere regardless, such as private garbage collection.

Condo fees cover

  • HOA membership and annual fees
  • Snow removal from public sidewalks along adjacent public roads (excluding section leading up to front doors)
  • Periodic snow removal from lanes (i.e. during larger snow falls)
  • Private garbage / recycling / compost collection (unless otherwise provided by City of Calgary)
  • Condominium Corporation operation and administration including reserve fund contribution

Alpine Park Homeowners Association and Green Court Bare Land Condo Fees are collected by TownSQ.

Are dogs allowed in Alpine Park?
Dogs are allowed in Alpine Park and must follow all City of Calgary bylaws. For more information or concerns about unleashed dogs, please visit Dogs in Alpine Park.
What is Alpine Park's Solar Advocacy Program?

Alpine Park is a solar ready community, meaning all homes built within the community are required to be solar ready with:

  • 200-amp servicing
  • Solar orientation for detached garages
  • Solar conduit rough-ins

Solar systems themselves are not required. Technology is continually changing and by being solar ready, homeowners can take advantage of the high value post-possession rebate programs currently in place.

Canada Greener Homes Grant

The Canada Greener Homes Grant (CGHG) launched May 27, 2021, and is funded with $2.6 billion over 7 years. This post-possession grant provides:

  • Up to $5,000 ($1,000 per kW) toward the installation of solar
  • Access to interest-free loans of up to $40,000, with repayment term of 10 years (through the Canada Greener Homes Loan)

Learn more about the CGHG program.

How can I reserve a community garden plot?

Alpine Park has two community gardens in Phase 1 open to resident use. Please see the below document to review the garden options, then email

Have a question that hasn’t been answered? Get in contact with a Dream representative at or (403) 245-3515

Have a question that hasn’t been answered? Get in contact with a Dream representative at or (403) 245-3515